Created at
||Updated at
- Typescript Deep Dive
- Tackling Typescript
- Typescript Fundamentals
- Typescript Exercises
- Check this guide for best practices.
- Official Cheat Sheets
- Type Challenges
- Learning Typescript
- Type Level Typescript
- Total Typescript
- Total Typescript Essentials
- Design patterns in TS
- The Concise TypeScript Book
- Typescript Style Guide
- 50 TypeScript Fuck Ups Book
- rollpkg
- tsdx
- typefest
- tRPC
- feTS
- typebox
- io-ts
- fp-ts and fp-ts-contrib
- tsup
- ts-belt
- typedoc
- factory.ts
- tiny-invariant
- neverthrow
- ts-pattern
- boxed
- type-coverage
- optics-ts
- optics
- tsx
- stc - Type checker
- tsm - TS module loader
- tsafe - TS utils
- exhaustive - Exhaustive type checks
- ts-reset - A ‘CSS reset’ for TS
- ts-toolbelt - TS utils
- ts-arch - Architecture unit test framework
- github-actions-workflow-ts - GH actions in TS
- string-ts - Typed string functions
- effect - Effect system
- ts-chan - Concurrency primitives
- knip - Find unused stuff
- type-testing - Type testing
- hotscript - Composable type functions
- importx - Unified tool for importing TS modules at runtime
- monads - Option, Result and Either types
- true-myth - Maybe/Result types
- better-auth - Auth library
- Type Trident
- typescript-plugin-css-modules
- TypeHero
- TS Diagram - Visualize TS types
- TS Docs
- Are the types wrong? - Analyze TS types of a package