Created at
||Updated at
- 60 Linux Networking commands and scripts
- Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
- Pure bash bible
- Pure sh bible
- A Visual Guide to SSH Tunnels
- Vim Guide
- VIM Adventures
- Bash oneliner
- The art of the command line
- Terminals are sexy
- Linux SysOps Handbook
- Linux insides
- Linux Hardering Guide
- Sad Servers - Troubleshooting linux servers
- DDRescue
- Structured Text Tools
- duf
- xsv
- nb
- hyperfine - Benchmarking tool
- wuzz - Interactive HTTP inspection
- sq
- fsql
- sx
- dasel
- gping
- broot
- bashly
- bach - Bash unit testing
- present
- teller
- Modern UNIX - A collection of modern tools
- LunarVIM
- atuin - Shell history
- dooit
- rustscan - Port scanner
- glow - A terminal based markdown reader
- bat - A better cat
- zoxide - A better cd
- mcfly - A better shell history
- exa - A modern replacement for ls
- eza - A modern replacement for ls
- lsd - A modern replacement for ls
- lla - A modern replacement for ls
- pls - Another ls
- pa - Password manager
- topgrade - Update manager
- strace - A diagnostic and debugging tool
- killport - Kill a process running on a given port
- lychee - Link checker
- doggo - DNS client
- csvlens - Terminal CSV viewer
- shellfirm - Confirm risky shell commands
- walk - Terminal file manager
- superfile - Terminal file manager
- yazi - Terminal file manager
- sig - Interactive grep
- ripgrep - Recursive grep
- httpie - HTTP client
- postinger - HTTP client
- just - Command runner
- mkcert - Local development SSL certificates
- htmlq - jq for html
- fq - jq for binary
- shef - CLI tool for shell scripts