Created at
||Updated at
Places you can go to learn the language.
- Awesome JS
- Awesome FP JS
- Learn JS
- Clean Code JS
- JS Algorithms and Data Structures
- JS Algorithms
- JS Tips and Tidbits
- 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
- 33 JS Concepts
- JS Event Loop Talk
- Mastering Hard Parts of JS
- Mastering JS
- Eloquent JS (with playground)
- JS Garden
- Modern JS Cheatsheet
- JS The right way
- A re-introduction to JS
- ES6 for humans
- JS Algorithms and Data Structures
- Airbnb JS Style Guide
- Promises Training
- lodash - General purpose
- es-toolkit - General purpose
- @stdlib/stdlib - General purpose
- papaparse - CSV parser
- automerge - CRDT
- yjs - CRDT
- loro-crdt - CRDT
- color - Color manipulation
- colord - Color manipulation
- spectral - Color manipulation
- casl - Authorization
- pundit - Authorization
- @nastyox/rando.js - Random data
- iron-session - Session management
- jose - JSON signing and encryption
- @yantra-core/sutra - Manage behaviour trees
- vest - Validation
- swtl - Template language
- unified - Content parsers
Async / Concurrency
Browser specific
A list of libraries that run in a browser.
- JS Cookie
- DOM Purify
- MathJAX
- CindyJS
- PeerJS
- driver.js
- codapi
- Trix - WYSIWYG editor
- Rooster - WYSIWYG editor
- Prosemirror - WYSIWYG editor
- Gridstack - Grid layout
- LDRS - Loaders with web components
- Perfume.js - Performance monitoring
- Choices - Dropdown component
- Journey.js - App guided tour
- exdom - DOM utilities
Interview resources
- JavaScripting
- JS The Right Way
- JS is Weird
- ES Proposals
- Anatomy of package.json
- The Vanilla JS Repository
- Event Loop
- Frontend Development
- JS Testing Best Practices
- Callback Hell
- JS for Cats
- Best of JS
- JS Feeds
- Operator Lookup
- The Vanilla JS Toolkit
- Wat video
- Functional Programming Jargon
- JS Patterns
- JS Makeup
- Snap.js - Simple JS utilities
- DOM Manipulation - Collection of DOM manipulation snippets
- 1 LOC
- You Might Not Need jQuery
- Ecosystem Performance