Interesting sites
Created at
||Updated at
- Lorem Picsum
- Lorem Space
- Doodle Ipsum
- SVG Doodles
- SVG Hub
- Black Illustrations
- Storyset
- Open Peeps
- Pexels
- Unsplash
- Freepik
- Remove Bg
- Bg Jar
- Pattern Ico
- Pik Wizard
- Icon Kitchen
- Reshot
- Draw Kit
- Illustrations
- Lukasz Adam Illustrations
- Trianglify
- SVG Repo
- Image to SVG
- Edit Photo
- Magic Eraser
- Squoosh
- Random Favicon Generator
- Favicon Generator
- Palette
- Vave
- Lummi
- Slimify
- Coding Interview University
- Questions for the new software team
- Hackerrank Interview
- Reverse Interview
- A Senior Engineer’s Guide to the System Design Interview
- Tech Vault Interview Questions Bank
- Behavioral Interviews
- Questions for Employers
Career paths
- Engineering Ladders
- Career Ladders
- Dropbox Engineering Career Framework
- Personal Development Plan
- StaffEng - Stories of reaching Staff+ engineering roles
- LinkedIn Developer Productivity and Happiness Framework
And some learning paths:
Christmas time
- HTML Hell
- PWAdvent
- Advent of Code
- AdventJS
- Advent of Typescript
- Advent of Cyber
- A11y Advent Calendar
- 12 Days of Web
- Advent of Distributed Systems
- Kodekalender
- Advent of Rust
- Good Email Code
- MJML - Responsive email framework
- mailpit
- JSX Email
- TempMail - Temporary email
Mock API
API development tools
Interesting languages
- The 12 Factor App
- Tiny Helpers
- Omatsuri
- Cyber Chef
- Toolcat
- Tinywow
- Free for Dev
- Keycode
- Can I Use
- Can I Devtools
- Bundlephobia
- Packagephobia
- Deps
- Security Headers
- Developer Excuses
- TLDR Pages
- Will it CORS
- A Single Div
- Choose a License
- Browser Hacks
- SVG Path Editor
- SVG Path Visualizer
- Relative Clip Path
- Webbed Briefs
- Link to QR
- Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
- CLI Guidelines
- Privacy Tools
- Clone Wars
- How to Deal with Difficult People on Software Projects
- Webhint
- Code Img
- Carbon
- Chalk
- Principles
- Wifi Card
- OSS Alternatives
- NPM Trends
- PopSQL
- Denigma App
- Technology Radar
- RxResume
- Elementary Audio
- Privacy Not Included
- Dev Docs
- Software Architecture Tools
- Architecture Decision Record
- Uses
- Crontab generator
- Are my third parties green
- The Green Web Foundation
- Beacon
- comiCSS
- Markdown badges
- TLDR Legal
- Termageddon
- Decentraliization, off the shelf
- Command not found
- Things every programmer should know
- Best website a programmer should visit
- API Marketplace
- Untools - Thinking tools
- The Whimsical Web - Fun sites
- Nand Game - Build a computer from scratch
- Futurepedia - Discover AI tools
- Future Tools - Discover AI tools
- HTTP Archive - How the web is built tracker
- Vale - A syntax-aware linter for prose
- Goread - Terminal RSS reader
- Uncurled - Lessons learned on OSS
- Awesome Design Patterns
- Calligrapher
- - SSH-powered pastebin
- Lipsum
- Lorizzle - Gangsta lorem ipsum
- Typograms
- Colpat - AI color tools
- Raphael - AI art
- Clipdrop - Visual AI tools
- Oxc - High performance toolset
- Pkgx - Run anything
- - Curated open source projects to get started
- examplify - Add executable examples to markdown
- - Inspect webhooks
- ML Code Challenges
- Open Design Docs
- NPM Chart - NPM package chart
- NPM Package Info - NPM package info
- vhs - Terminal recorder