Version control

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Tutorials and resources

If you are a git beginner start from these tutorials to get a grasp of what is git and how to use it efficiently.

If you are a seasoned git user check these resources for a - hopefully - more in depth look.

You can also Learn how to use Github.

Cheat sheets

Quick info about git can be found here and here.


To detect secrets within a code base you can use detect-secrets or gitleaks. Also reviewdog is an automated code review tool.

To lint commit messages there are tools like gitlint and commitlint.

For a package release workflow you can check out semantic-release, standard-version, release-it, beachball, auto, release-please and ossjs/release.

Regarding changelog automation, see vercel/release, changesets and the modules in the conventional-changelog ecosystem.

Git hooks

Git terminal GUIs



Code review

Interesting sites

If you want to start contributing to open source software this should be a good place to start.

Interesting articles

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